Yogi Bhajan - Abuse in 3HO and Kundalini Yoga

Abuse in Yogi Bhajan's 3HO Kundalini Yoga World

My son said that in India everyone knew this was a sham.

Tej Steiner

We knew everyone was sleeping around.


Tej Steiner led the Toronto ashram

in Canada from 1970-1988.

On Nov 24, 2020, GuruNishan interviewed him°.

'What did your children say?' asks GuruNischan about Tej leaving the community after 18 years.

More about Tej's story - Link

GuruNam Atwal was born and raised in the 3HO community. She speaks on

the healing effect of the

Uncomfortable Conversations


on the hypocrisy about TRUTH in the community and how she learned

to deny her own truth and her emotions.