One day the FBI came into our morning sadhana with guns to come and arrest GuruJot Singh,
leaving the rest of the community in shock.
Anonymous witness.
against GuruJot Sing, ashram leader
accused of
Drug Smuggling and Weapon Traffic.
Yogi Bhajan - birth name Harbhajan Singh Puri - used the 1,3 million dollar inheritance of one of his followers
to buy land and gave it his name:
Ram Das Puri.
People gave money as Yogi Bhajan told them
it was for the community.
In reality he made sure that he owned everything.
Sat Hanuman Singh Khalsa,
Sales manager for the South-East of the Community Business Brokers:
30% of commissions of all sales managers
went to Yogi Bhajan, as if that was 'normal'.
In 1998 the Federal Trade Commission charged the 'Sweet Song Corporation' of
Gemstone fraud.
Three California-based telemarketing companies
and their owner, Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa,
agreed to pay monetary judgment
On Feb 1, 2000 the Federal Trade Commission publishes another article on the case:
Last Defendant Named in a Gemstone
Telemarketing Case Banned from
Telemarketing Activities
Mani Niall about the
FBI raids into the ashrams and lawsuits
The end of the myth of Ram Das Puri
... land given by the Hopi's ...
The heritage of GuruGun K was used for that.
She lived in a trailer for years.
Dead body in a trunk.
They are going to kill me.
One day a letter came from Headquarters
asking people to put their businesses
in the name of the SSSC.
Yogi Bhajan giving himself a raise.
In the 1980's,
in Harijiwan Singh's Boiler Room
at GRD (Guru Ram Das Enterprises)
in Los Angeles.
A 24-old woman who was
requested to work there,
explains how this fraudulent telemarketing business worked.
Extract from
the Santa Fe Journal:
22 people explain why they left 3HO in the last 2 months (1985)
... Keval claimed he donated $90,000.00 and
another member donated $30,000.00 to the construction of a church at the ashram.
Keval said that Yogi Bhajan had told him the land in question was owned by the organization, but he learned afterwards that it was actually owned by the Yogi ...
Copyright © All rights reserved
Survivor stories included on this site,
draw only a fraction of what really happened.
Many more stories are out there, told and untold.
Truth telling is a prerequisite for justice and reconciliation.